PT/IR 958 series and a few corresponding ITR products will be terminated due to the elderly tooling.
Detailed description:
1. Due to the elderly tooling of 958 in molding process and quality
issue may happen in few months, family of 958 product will be
terminated by November 2011. These are also following
Everlight company policy and under the marketing evaluation.
2. We suggest our customer to take family of 928 products in
consideration. The comparisons of spec and dimension are
attached in the Appendix (A).
3. All affected products and part numbers, please refer to the
Appendix (B) .
4. . . . Everlight takes all orders which are made in SAP system by
the 10th
of November, 2011. And we will ship out ASAP.
5. This PTN is based on the ECR000019294 which is following
Everlight’s internal and formal process.
